miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017

Teatro de Navidad a cargo del AMPA

Una vez más, las mamás y papás del AMPA "Santa Casilda" nos han hecho disfrutar con una divertida obra de teatro. ¡Enhorabuena y muchas gracias por todo el esfuerzo realizado!

¡Aprovechamos para desearos unas felices fiestas!

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017

Exposición sobre Gloria Fuertes

Estos días estamos disfrutando de una exposición sobre Gloria Fuertes. Con esta actividad ponemos el broche de oro al centenario de su nacimiento que hemos celebrado a lo largo de este año en el Mencía.

Agradecemos desde aquí la colaboración del sindicato STECYL, que nos ha prestado las láminas y una colección de preciosos libros.

domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

martes, 31 de octubre de 2017


Un año más, hemos celebrado Halloween con un montón de actividades divertidísimas. También hemos ejercitado nuestros poderes de bruj@s escritores.

domingo, 25 de junio de 2017


This year in our cultural week from Year 1 to Year 6 we’ve worked two very well known authors Julia Donaldson (Year 1 - Year 3) and Roald Dhal (Year 4 – Year 6).

Julia Donaldson is from London and she is the author of many books such as “The Gruffalo”, “Room on the broom” or “The Stickman” among others.

In year one, we’ve read two books of this author, Zog, What the ladybird heard and the Gruffalo’s child. What is more we have watched the animated film of the Gruffalo’s child, the kids loved it!

Talking about year two, we also read several books such as “Monkey Puzzle”, “Zog”, “Room on the Broom” and “Zog and the flying doctors”. They also got a chance to do a workshop to create their own Zog with recycled materials. All the dragons were amazing!

Year three worked quite hard with “The stickman” story. They went through a deep reading and they did several activities related with it. What is more, they wrote a letter to Julia Donaldson telling her about their favourite part of the stickman as well as asking her some questions, and guess what…? They got a reply from her with some stickers! It was a very big surprise!

Year 4, 5 and 6 worked with the author Roald Dahl. We read different books depending on the level such as Fantastic Mr Fox, Charlie and the chocolate factory and the tweets.  What is more we used the main characters of the books to disguise ourselves of the cultural week of the school which was in carnival. We also watched some of the films which were quite interesting.

Year four we dress up as fantastic Mr. Fox with a fabulous 3D masks as if they were real foxes, which they made in their arts and crafts lessons. Talking about year five students we dressed up as Oompa-loompas and our teachers were Willy Wonka, it was a very fun. Finally, year six students dress up as some birds that appear on the book.

It was a very nice experience to investigate and read books about these two different authors. We’ve had a very nice time and we’ve loved their stories.

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

¡Celebramos el Día del Libro!

Aquí os mostramos algunas de las actividades con las que hemos conmemorado el Día del Libro

Los libros que nos presta la Biblioteca del cole tenían sorpresa esta semana...
¡marcapáginas con poemas!

Libros donados por las familias

Libros donados por las familias

¡Feliz Día del Libro!

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017


Necesitamos una mascota para nuestra biblioteca así que... ¡saca punta a tus lapiceros y activa tu imaginación!

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017


¡Aquí están los nuevos libros que podéis encontrar en la Biblioteca del cole!

Si estáis dispuestos a pasar un rato divertido y lleno de aventuras, no dudéis llevarlos a casa.